Saturday 23 August 2008


Playing LotrO on and off for the past few days, I have really been struck by how in generally the community feels very good on my server. I did encounter a few annoying players, one spamming the LFF channel, and one spamming me with fellowship invites in the wilds. ( Random group invites are a real annoyance to me. If you cannot be bother to at least send me a tell say "want to team up" first, then I certainly cannot be bothered to group with you. It is disruptive and rude. Grrr!)

It is a funny thing that your initial choice of server, and the resulting quality of community there can influence your experience of the game so strongly. I wonder if I would have stuck with WoW for so long if I had clicked the next server down on the list all those years ago.

I am really enjoying my experiences in LotrO again, though I cannot help but think I will get bored in the early twenties again. It certainly feels like it will keep me going until Warhammer is released. 

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