Wednesday 22 October 2008

Abandonment issues

Things are feeling very sparse on my WAR server at the moment. The zones feel very empty, there are generally no open parties and Public Quests have nobody there to fulfill them. My memories of open beta and the first week of play contain the joy of moving from one crowded public quest to the next, or for variety heading up to the open rvr area in Nordland and fighting for hours. In between this I was doing a bit of questing, and a few scenarios. Now it seems that all the options I have are the later two, and as I am just into tier 3 and pretty much useless in scenarios, all I can do is quest alone in empty zone, looking longingly at the public quest and captured keep markers on my map and wish there were other players about to tackle them with. Progress if you are just questing is very slow. I hope the situation improves. I really like the game, but it really only works if you have other players around.

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