Thursday 16 October 2008

Caught in the grasp of icy fingers

I was convinced I was through with World of Warcraft. Any info I saw concerning the upcoming expansion seemed either boring or ridiculous. So why on earth did I download the new content patch, re-activate my account and log in last night? I wish I knew, I just suddenly had to have it. And now I feel like an addict who has fallen off the wagon. No idea how long it will last, but I have now ordered Wrath of the bloody Lich King, which I never thought would happen. 

Maybe it is a passing madness, and I will snap out of it in time to cancel the order, but at the moment, damn it I am really enjoying the game. So that means I am currently subscribing to WoW, Eve and WAR. Hmm. I can happily justify 2 MMOs, but 3? Trouble is, I am enjoying them all, for different reasons. I wonder where it will all end up.

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