Monday 27 October 2008

There and back again

Things continue to be hit and miss in Warhammer Online. I am progressing very slowly, and the game is feeling very restricted to me. Less of an online world, and more of a series of empty battlefields. I really ought to try to find a nice guild there, I am sure that would help.

My rekindled interest in World of Warcraft had fizzled away, which I am rather relieved about. I actually cancelled my Lich King order today, I wonder if I can stay away.

As for Eve, seems I have run out of steam there too. I am putting it on hold, but I shall certainly be back.

This has all led me back to Lord of the Rings Online once more, which I am enjoying. New start(yet again), new character, lots of fun. Can I make it beyond the level 20 slump? Hopefully. Will I reach level 50 before the expansion? No way. But at least having 2 new classes should mean there will be a flow of players through the low level content, so I might benefit, assuming I am still going. I am sort of coming to terms with being an MMO bee at the moment, flitting from game to game. I guess I am looking for something which is not there at the moment, sadly, and I think Lord of the Rings Online is the nearest thing to it. (actually, I suspect that EQ2 or Vanguard are nearer, but I am not sure how healthy a community I can find there).

So for now, mostly LotrO, and a little bit of WAR when I am feeling extremely patient and forgiving. I subbed for 3 months to WAR, and I hope that something happens in that time to inspire me to carry on.

In other gaming news, been playing some Wizardry 8, a great classic ending to a very fine RPG series. Tomorrow Fable 2 should arrive. I had massive hopes for the first Fable, but found it very linear and lacking the depth I had been hoping for. I have less grand expectations for the sequel, and I have been actually avoiding any previews. This is pretty much my new policy regarding games, I try to grab enough info to get a feel for whether it is something I will be into, then avoid the endless details given in previews. I was reaching a point where it felt like I had already played games I was playing, as they had been written about so much. So I am hoping to be pleasantly surprised by Fable 2.

Then Fallout 3 at the end of the week. Again, avoiding any previews, I am very excited about this. Despite their flaws, I am a huge Elder Scrolls fan, I actually finished Arena and Daggerfall, really ought to do the same with Morrowind and Oblivion. I am also a huge Fallout fan (though thankfully not the scary sort), and I am confident that Bethesda can make a compelling and ambitious RPG in that particular universe. 

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